love research so much that I do an enormous amount; it helps put off the moment
of starting to write the story.” – Alan Garner
There are few writers who wouldn’t
agree with Garner, born on this date in 1934.
Gathering info. that you want to utilize as the foundation for your
stories is always a gratifying and fulfilling thing. But most writers are procrastinators by
nature – knowing that they should put pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard,
but just dreading how things are going to start and where they are going to
lead. But, as every author knows, the
time comes when you’ve got to kick the kid out the door. In other words, get busy and write.
Born in the front room of his
grandmother’s house in Cheshire, England, Garner grew up near that northwestern
English city, where he has chosen to set most of his books. Best known for his children's fantasy novels
and his re-tellings of traditional British folk tales, his work is firmly
rooted in the landscape, history and folklore of his native county.
Noted for his “slow, but steady”
writing style, he takes his time but always produces winners, earning him
almost every major writing award for young people’s literature in the process.

As for procrastinating, he said being
a writer is really pretty simple. “ Look, if you are going to write, nothing
will stop you,” he said. “And if you are
not going to write, nothing will make you.”
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