Moore was a
straitlaced, no-nonsense academician who served as a professor of classics at
the General Theological Seminary in New York City, focused on writing for “an
erudite readership” when he penned those famous words. Fortunately for the rest of us, the man had
Legend has it that Moore composed A Visit from St. Nicholas for his kids on Christmas Eve, during a sleigh-ride home from Greenwich Village. He supposedly drew inspiration for St. Nick from a roly-poly Dutchman driving his family in that sleigh, although from what we know of Clement Moore, it's more likely that he drew his imagery from literary sources. Moore published his famous poem on Christmas Eve 1823.
Legend has it that Moore composed A Visit from St. Nicholas for his kids on Christmas Eve, during a sleigh-ride home from Greenwich Village. He supposedly drew inspiration for St. Nick from a roly-poly Dutchman driving his family in that sleigh, although from what we know of Clement Moore, it's more likely that he drew his imagery from literary sources. Moore published his famous poem on Christmas Eve 1823.

While the scholarly Moore was at
first hesitant to publicly acknowledge his association with such an
“unscholarly” verse, his kids – for whom he had composed the piece in the first
place – were proud of the tale and wanted children everywhere to know who to
thank for those magical words.
Moore’s poem is largely responsible for Santa Claus as we know him today,
including his physical appearance, the night of his visit, his mode of his
transportation, the number and names of his reindeer, and the tradition that he
brings toys to children.
So, as St. Nick exclaimed ere he
drove out of sight: “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”

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