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Saturday, December 28, 2019

'Troubling A Star'

“All things by immortal power, near or far, to each other linked are, that thou canst not stir a flower without troubling of a star.” – Francis Thompson

Thompson, born in Great Britain in December of 1859, wrote three books of poetry, a number of short stories, and several essays, including one of the best ever done on poet Percy Bysche Shelley.  He was a key influence on writers like J.R.R. Tolkien and Madeline L’Engle, and penned such famous phrases as “With all deliberate speed” – used in the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Brown vs. Board of Education – and “Love is a many-splendored thing,” used as the title for both a popular movie and a popular hit song in the 1950s.  

For Saturday’s Poem, here is Thompson’s, 

Go, songs
                               Go, songs, for ended is our brief, sweet play; 
                               Go, children of swift joy and tardy sorrow: 
And some are sung, and that was yesterday, 
                               And some are unsung, and that may be tomorrow.

Go forth; and if it be o'er stony way, 
                               Old joy can lend what newer grief must borrow: 
                               And it was sweet, and that was yesterday, 
                               And sweet is sweet, though purchased with sorrow.

Go, songs, and come not back from your far way: 
                               And if men ask you why ye smile and sorrow, 
                               Tell them ye grieve, for your hearts know Today, 
                               Tell them ye smile, for your eyes know Tomorrow.

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