have long been big coffee drinkers and it’s especially true that writers guzzle
the stuff in order to keep their senses sharp while working on their
trade. But, one famous writer who
probably is “hands down” ahead of the rest of us in his imbibing of the stuff
is also one of our most famous politicians – Theodore Roosevelt.
I said writer, because before he became famous in politics, Roosevelt penned
several best-selling books, including some that are still referenced by
scholars today (The Naval War of 1812
and The Life of Thomas Hart Benton,
for example). All told the prolific Roosevelt
wrote 35 books in his lifetime. (He also
is said to have been a speedreader able to devour a book every
single day).
the early years of Roosevelt’s sickly childhood, he was not expected to survive
… or if he did survive not to have the strength to do much in adulthood. His parents believed in strong coffee and
cigar smoke as “remedies,” particularly to help him overcome severe asthma,
according to The Smithsonian. Obviously -- for T.R. at least -- the remedies worked.
famous coffee drinker from then on, he had a custom-made cup one of his sons called “More in the
nature of a bathtub.” After his death, from 1919-1928, his
children honored their father’s coffee-drinking legacy by operating the nation’s
first coffeehouse chain (in New York City), called “Brazilian,” and then “The Double

“Col. Theodore Roosevelt” coffee mug
from 1898
by the way, is indirectly credited with coining the first coffee advertising
slogan. While touring President Andrew
Jackson’s estate in 1907 he drank a cup of Maxwell House coffee and proclaimed
it “Good to the Last Drop.” The company immediately
latched onto that and still uses the slogan today.
to hit the old keyboard – and get my morning cup of coffee. Happy Writing!
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