is a destiny that shapes our ends rough, hew them as we will.”
– Frank Harris
Editor, novelist, short story writer
and journalist, Harris was born in Ireland on Valentine’s Day, 1856. He emigrated to the U.S. at a young age, and
then gravitated back to Ireland and Europe in the 1880s before ultimately
becoming a U.S. citizen in 1921, living the final 10 years of his life between
the two continents.
A law school graduate from the University
of Kansas, Harris tried a legal career for several years before deciding that
it was too boring and what he really wanted to do was write. He attracted much attention during his
lifetime for his irascible, aggressive personality, editorship of famous
periodicals, and friendship with the talented and famous. In addition to authoring popular books like The Bomb and The Yellow Ticket and Other Stories.
Despite many writing successes,
Harris may be best known today for his 4-volume memoir My Life and Loves
(he was married 3 times, including the author/playwright Enid Bagnold), loosely
based on his life despite it’s “Memoir” title.
“Memoirs,” he said with tongue
firmly in cheek, “are a well-known form of fiction.”
“I am, really, a great writer; my
only difficulty is in finding great readers.”

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