“How to Write a Poem? Catch the air around the butterfly.”
– Katerina Stoykova-Klemer
Stoykova-Klemer’s poems have
appeared in publications throughout the U.S. and Europe, including The Louisville Review, Margie, Adirondack
Review and others. The leader of a
poetry group in Lexington, KY, she also hosts “Accents,” a radio show for
literature, art and culture on WRFL Radio in Lexington. And she operates the independent Accents
Publishing “for brilliant voices” locally, nationally and internationally.
A native of Bulgaria, she holds an
MFA in Writing from Spalding University in Louisville.
For Saturday’s Poem, here’s

Last Resort.
We meet at last,
Plan Z.
I’ve heard a lot about you,
Worst Case Scenario.
I look forward to
working with you,
It’s going to be you and I now.
Do you feel lucky to end up with me?
Hey, it’s okay.
After the initial shock
wears off,
you too,
will try to make
the most of me.
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