“How to Write a Poem? Catch the air around the butterfly.”
– Katerina Stoykova-Klemer
Stoykova-Klemer’s poems have
appeared in publications throughout the U.S. and Europe, including The Louisville Review, Margie, and Adirondack Review. The leader of a poetry group in Lexington,
KY, she also hosts “Accents,” a radio show for literature, art and culture and
operates the independent Accents Publishing “for brilliant voices.”
A native of
Bulgaria, she holds an MFA in Writing from Spalding University in
Louisville. For Saturday’s Poem, here is

The Most
Last Resort.
We meet at last,
Plan Z.
I’ve heard a lot about you,
Worst Case Scenario.
I look forward to
working with you,
It’s going to be you and I now.
Do you feel lucky to end up with me?
Hey, it’s okay.
After the initial shock
wears off,
you too,
will try to make
the most of me.
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