is far too hard work to say what someone else wants me to. Serving it as a
craft, using it as a way of growing in my own understanding, seems to me to be
a beautiful way to live. And if that product is shareable with other people, so
much the better.” – Jane Rule
in New Jersey on March 28, 1931, Rule studied writing at Mills College in California, spent time
working and living in England and then taught for a time in Massachusetts
before relocating to Canada for the final 50 years of her life. 

Her first novel, Desert of
the Heart, was rejected 22 times before being published in 1964 and establishing her as both a major
writer and key spokesperson for gay rights. In 1985 the book was adapted into an award-winning
movie Desert Hearts.
1964 to her death in 2007 Rule authored another dozen novels and numerous
essays, served on the executive committee of the
Writers' Union of Canada, and earned a basketfull of writing prizes, including two
lifetime achievement awards.
“Every artist seems to me to have
the job of bearing witness to the world we live in,” Rule once said. “To some extent I think of all of us as
artists, because we have voices and we are each of us unique.”
A Writer’s Moment with a friend at http://writersmoment.blogspot.com
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