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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Roosevelt - A 'Writing' Life

“I am a part of everything that I have read.” – Theodore Roosevelt

I’ve written before about our 26th President, including having him as an integral part of my novel And The Wind Whispered.  But, it seems only right to say a few more words about him today on the occasion of what would have been his 168th birthday. 

Born on this day in 1858, this statesman, explorer, soldier, naturalist, and reformer who played a major role in the development of this country’s national parks, monuments and history itself also was one of our great writers.

Roosevelt was a prolific author, writing with passion on subjects ranging from foreign policy to the importance of the national park system. He also was an avid reader, devouring up to 7 books each and every week, even during the most hectic and trying days of his presidency.  Among his favorites were books of poetry, and one of our country’s poet laureates, Robert Frost, once said that Roosevelt "was our kind. He quoted poetry to me. He knew poetry."
In all, Roosevelt wrote 18 books (each in several           
editions), including The Rough Riders, his acclaimed autobiography, and History of the Naval War of 1812 (still taught in naval war classes).  He also wrote about ranching, explorations, and wildlife, something he experienced first hand.  He also served as editor of Outlook magazine, where he had weekly access to a large, educated national audience.  His thoughtful writings and wise editorial decisions played a key role in protecting some of our country’s most valuable natural sites and resources.

“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care,” Roosevelt said.  “Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time.”

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